M-Protect announces on its Block Control Units a new firmware that allows telematics integrators to create integrations to remotely manage and monitor access to the loading bay.
M-Protect has been developing safety systems for vehicles and their loadspace for more than 15 years.
As the latest development, M-Protect has adapted the firmware of its Block Control Units in combination with its digital pen locks LimoLock to a connected version.
This new development allows telematics providers to connect directly to the Block Control Unit and remotely read and monitor the entire vehicle security environment.
Thanks to this integration, a transporter looking for additional security for his cargo space can remotely manage and monitor the entire security perimeter. The integration makes it possible to remotely determine the opening and closing of the load compartment, but also to activate an active security protocol that carries out a full scan of the security infrastructure every minute and transmits it to the telematics platform used by the carrier today.
Interested telematics providers can contact sales@m-protect.net and request the details of integrating the Block Control Unit with their own solution.
We will be happy to help you further set up this integration and thus further ensure the security of the load for your customers.